I don't know if I believe that I have anything worth saying, really. Then again, most blogs I've read also have little to say, but are generous in taking up lots of space to say it in.
My friend, and first (and subsequently only) running buddy Trino and I used to have all these epiphanies while running. Sometimes we had delusions, hallucinations, thoughts on solving global and dating dilemmas. We joked that one day we would put out a book. We came up with chapters like, "Is It Ok To Spit?" "It's Darkest Before the Don" "10 Miles, 2 hills and One Poop Later..." etc. Sometimes these titles were meaningful. At times their sole meaning was to serve as a distraction from the intense pain, dehydration, exhaustion and insanity we were experiencing. You'll see.
It should also be understood running has become a spiritual and sacred journey for me. While ticking off the miles, running off the pounds, sweating out the stress I somehow found myself along the way. I'm hesitant to share my journey for fear I may taint this sacredity (is that a word?). My life has been truly blessed and I've very little to complain about. When I get stressed, my two go-to solutions include anything natural water (ocean, beach, river, spring, creek, etc.) and running. It takes me about 30 minutes to tune the outside world, well, out. And the inside world...uhm...in?
In this blog, I hope to share with you my thoughts and observations of the world as they occur (or have occurred) to me while on a run. It may not be world-moving or shattering. In fact, I believe that there is nothing unique about my perspective, but many have asked me to share them, note them, write them down. So for you, here I go. This is an experiment and I may discontinue if I feel it crosses a line. Again, this journey is my Spiritual Journey. For now, I'm pleased and hesitant to share it with you, letting you into the deepest recesses of my being. I hope you'll appreciate where we may travel together. I don't ask that you agree with me, I don't even ask anything really. So...later today or tomorrow, I would like to begin at the ending and work my way simultaneously forwards and backwards from there. Will you join me?
I often question my openness regarding our story, but as Father said... Our stories are meant to be shared, for it may be the only thing that gets someone through. It may be the only thing that motivates, helps, strengthens, or supports someone in need. It's your story... I'm thrilled with your willingness to share it!