Wednesday, October 31, 2018

A Musical Reflection

Another prompt from my upcoming book on Journaling for your Mind, Body, & Soul. 

Put your favorite music on and listen for five uninterrupted minutes. Just enjoy the music and your time with it. Enjoy in whatever way that means for you. Dance with it. Sing with it. Sit quietly and absorb it. Experience memories, emotions and thoughts with it. Enjoy without limitations.

Now turn the music off and let it simply be inside you for the next however long it takes to complete the following prompts:

What music were you listening to?

Has your favorite band, style or genre changed over the years, remained the same, or a little of both?

If you were to select a song to represent the different components of you, what song would you select for:

Your mind?

Your body?

Your soul?

Your birth music?

Your death music?

What influenced the musical selections above? How are they similar/different?

If you could select only one song that would precede your entry into every room, to announce you essentially, what song would you select? Would it be different for different “crowds” or populations of people? Why do you feel this song represents you?

Image result for music

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

A Pebble in my Shoe

Years ago, I was running some race, a quarter marathon I believe, and this was my experience:

Miles 4-6 were downhill physically and so I thought, "this is gonna be an EASY finish." Then I got a pebble in my shoe. At first, it was REALLY annoying and bordered painful. I almost stopped to get it out, risking a personal record finish time. Then it kind of slipped away and became less annoying, but still very much present. As I often do while running, I began to reflect on how this run may be a metaphor for some aspect(s) of my life; I pondered...what are the pebbles of my life?

For the next two miles, as I begrudged this pebble, I reflected on its meaning in my life, on a grander scale. And today, I invite you to spend some time thinking:

What are the pebbles in your life? Are they nagging, gnawing, making your life unpleasant? Are they less pleasant at certain times than others, but still very much present? Do you want to get rid of them entirely? Adjust so they’re less annoying? How do you accomplish this? Or do you want to just run through life with them and persist despite?

What lessons could the pebbles bring to your life?
Image result for pebble shoe

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Majestic Autumn

I love Autumn.

And not just for the deliciousness of the season...I love REAL pumpkin spice everything (not that fake chemical/lab-created crap y'all call Pumpkin Spice Lattes), I LOVE homemade applesauce and apple butter. Baking anything on a crisp, Autumn morning just seems right.

Image may contain: plant, outdoor and natureBeyond that, I love what the season represents. To many, it represents a time of death and entering a long period of death...we don't see many signs of life in the winter, but they're there, I assure you! I love that during the first stages of fall, trees automatically release Abcisic Acid (ABA) that triggers the leaves to fall off. First, of course, they begin to lose that vibrant green color giving us a glorious show of reds, oranges, and browns. The reason for this is trees do not need the food/energy created through the leaves. So they just drop them. They literally drop the leaves which no longer serve them. Except the leaves DO continue to they break down at the trunk of the tree, the leaves enrich the soil, creating rich soil for the tree and other plants to thrive in.

And then, they go dormant. They withstand some tough elements, fully exposed and naked. They can become ice covered, snow covered, heat covered. They are exposed to biting winds which can threaten to break their tender branches. But they stand tall and strong (in most cases), knowing they are but dormant versions of their full being. They are merely resting up for a stunning display of buds and colors in a few month's time.

Image may contain: plant, tree, outdoor and natureAnd then, somehow by the miracle of Nature, the buds return. And the flowers follow the buds. Before you know it, as the days begin to heat up, the trees are fully covered in their gorgeous, bright green leaves; providing food for the tree and cooling shade for us humans.

I love that Mother Nature just does this automatically.

And I love that Mother gives us this reminder to do the same in our own lives. We must each go through periods of, metaphorically speaking, releasing ABA to trigger an automatic dropping of that which no longer serves us. We must slow down our food and energy creation/consumption in order to rest up. We must tend to ourselves, sometimes silently, in order to burst forth with color and be able to serve others later. We must remind ourselves that our periods of Autumn and Winter are more than just periods of death, they are periods of our lives which allow rebirth to occur!

These times of our lives, and these trees in our lives, are truly Majestic and should be honored as such. They also beg of us to ask the important questions: What needs to be shed (what/who is no longer serving us), what do we need to shed ourselves away from (who/what are we no longer serving?) What do we need to do to slow it down? What will our rebirth look like? Who will we serve during our next phase? ahh yes, my friends, I love this season for what it brings us outside and the change it can inspire inside. Majestic.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Simple Self Care

Simple Tips for Self Care

Those of you who have followed my blog for awhile know I believe in self-care. I also believe self -care comes in many forms. Some people find it in meditation while others enjoy yoga, some love to go for a run and others like to veg out to their favorite show on tv.

The last few weeks have been difficult for America. Regardless where you stand on geo-political issues, it's been a rough bit of time for us, hasn't it? So I implore you, for the sake of our country's future and (more importantly) your own health PLEASE engage in some form(s) of self-care soon. Below are a few ideas to get you started, please feel free to add your own as a comment.

  • Take time for just your, to be alone and decompress/process
  • Visit with an old friend or family member that makes you laugh
  • Enjoy that big ol slice of chocolate cake
  • Fix a delicious fruit smoothie and enjoy it leisurely
  • Spend some time in meditation
  • Go for a jog, run, or walk
  • Play on a playground, swinging and laughing like a child
  • Color, craft, or other form of creation
  • Take a hot bath
  • Sleep in 15 minutes longer than usual
  • Unplug from social media
  • Look in the mirror and tell yourself you're worth it

For me, I always turn to Mother Nature when I need some self care. Tomorrow we will be taking a short hike. Being in Nature always grounds me. Enjoy your moment(s) of self-care and please know you are worthy and deserving of living a happy, healthy, and whole life.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Sweet Victory!

Life has been a challenge lately.

It's hard. Life. Parenting. Solo-preneuring. Processing. Living. It's all so very hard.

And we often make it harder on ourselves. This week, I am launching a new paradigm shift for myself and focusing on small victories.

When my son and I first became a family, I chunked the day up to help with behavior modification and positive reinforcement. It first it was literally in like tiny chunks: From shower to eating breakfast, from breakfast to leaving the house for school, from leaving the house for school to arriving at school. From picking up after school to home, then on to homework, then dinner, then post dinner. etc. About 10 chunks, believe it or not! Slowly chunks of time became longer and the behavior more appropriate.

So I am doing the same with myself. I am chunking my day into thirds: Morning, day time, evening. And for each, I am searching for a personal victory. This is a victory I am experiencing and responsible for, not a victory I am celebrating alongside someone else.

So yesterday my victories included: resisting the pumpkin roll at the coffee shop; I took a self care nap after I picked up my son from school; I overcame the desire to be alone in favor of cuddling w/ my son (and cat and dog) for a bit before bed.

This morning, my victory is: I set my alarm to get up and go for a nice run w/ my dear friend Nicole. Even when I wanted to just stay in bed. Or read. Or Facebook. Or anything else, really.

So what about you? What is your victory for this morning? Even if it is "just" getting out of bed--celebrate it. Some days getting out of bed IS a victory unto itself!

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