Today's thoughts have come up in past posts: One More Minute.
Last time I focused on being able to do anything for one more minute as a means of self-motivation to the next mile marker.
Today I tried that trick on myself and I thought about my grandma.
More than that, I thought what would one more minute be like with her? And then with my dad.
Just one more minute. Seems odd, when running at a 7:30 minute mile, it seems one minute lasts an eternity. We struggle just to get through a minute sometimes. But I wonder... Would it be enough time to squeeze in all the love? Wash clean the bad feelings? Express all that needed and wanted to be expressed?
Why do I think that one minute would be enough when 68 and 52 years respectively weren't.
Because now I know. Now I know death is real. Now I know that it is an ending, but not the finite ending. Now I know that a minute of love is much more important than a nano-second of ill-will, hard feelings and resentment. Now I know.
If I could have just one more minute, I'd make it count. I don't know how, but I sure would try. Because now I know...or at least that's my 26.2 cents worth...if you had just one more minute, what would you do? And what's preventing you ?
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