Monday, February 5, 2018

Cave into the Crave, With Moderation

Ok, I went to the gym today to get a 30 minute walk in and decided to go ahead and weigh myself. I can *feel* that I have gained some fat back in the way my stomach feels, my sleep patterns, and how my clothes feel. And I was right. I've gained a couple pounds back. Sigh.

I kicked off 2018 with getting my coffee shop stops under control in January. I am focusing February on getting my bill-paying organization...well....organized and I am also devoting mental energy to curbing the cravings I have for all things sweet, be it candy, cookies, cake, I crave it all ! And I crave it all the time. Like right now, for instance, as I type this blog post. I really want a ding dong (man those are so delish!) But today, I am balancing my craving and my resistance in the following way:

Fruit smoothie with half tablespoon of chocolate chips!

Yes, that's right. I am actually caving to my craving by adding a smidge of chocolate chips to my smoothie but also curbing the craving by not getting that ding dong cupcake. I also use dark chocolate chips which are slightly healthier (although...).

I topped this with whipped cream and
a frozen peach slice.
So here is my recipe to help when I have a sweet tooth I just can't seem to quiet:
Liquid of choice (apple juice, orange juice, etc. + milk to make it creamy)
Greek yogurt (I actually omitted this today) which gives it an ice cream texture
Fresh fruit of choice (today: Half banana, Handful blueberries)
Frozen fruit to desired texture/thickness
1 teaspoon--1 Tablespoon chocolate chips
1/2 " -- 1" finger of ginger (trust me)

I use a Ninja Blender and I do not, for a second, regret spending the extra money to get a nice one.

Blend liquids and fresh fruit (note: if you use OJ or another acidic juice you'l want to blend that and the fruit first, then add the frozen fruit THEN the milk or else it'll curdle. I usually use apple to avoid).

Then add the ginger, chocolate chips and frozen fruit a little at a time to get desired thickness. you will want to blend it longer than you think necessary to ensure all frozen chunks are blended and blending a little extra just gives it that extra creamy texture like a milkshake!

That's it. A fresh (frozen) fruit smoothie, less than $2 and I get my chocolate fix while also getting in a large portion of my RDA of fruit and tons of vitamins! If you want to take the health consideration up a notch, try adding a small amount of spinach or kale. Start with just a little until your taste buds adjust. Trust me, you won't even notice it after a few and your body will really thank you!

Next time I make mine, I will try to measure more accurately.

So begins February and a recommitment to myself and my well being. Or, rather, an on going and evolutionary commitment to myself and my well being.

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