Thursday, February 15, 2018

One Small Thing

Another day, another shooting. We ask for sweeping change, instead we get swept under the rug.

Fast forward a week or two:
another day, another shooting. We ask for sweeping change, instead we get swept under the rug.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

But what if we don't. What if we don't repeat. What if we don't ask for sweeping change? What if we ask for small change first? What if...

We get to know someone who may be different than us? Someone on the fringe? Someone who eats lunch alone? Someone who has a bad rap? Someone who we feel we have nothing in common with? What if we just sat down and got to know someone. Hear their story and share ours, devoid of judgement. Just heard their lived experience as a human, like us. Wait, we DO have something in common, then.

When my son discovered I was gay, he wouldn't let me even touch him, sit next to him or tuck him in for a few days because, and I quote, "I am afraid you are going to rape me." We worked through it because I was willing to hear his fear and he was willing to hear my story. What if we did that? What if we heard each others fears and stories? What if we just shut the fuck up and heard each other?

I bet then we'd find sweeping change, except this time it won't be on Capitol (or Capital, I can never remember)'ll be within our hearts, our minds, our spirit, our soul...and maybe that change is something we could take to DC.

So try it. What have you got to lose, what we're doing now ain't working is it!?

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