Monday, September 3, 2018

An Act of Beauty

My Vespa Scooter was stolen. Again. It was almost exactly two years ago when it was stolen the first time. In the past 23 months we've had two lawn mowers, the scooter (now twice), three bags of aluminum cans, a blue construction type tarp, a canopy tent...all stolen.

Each time it sends my son back into fight, flight, or freeze. More oft than not he chooses fight. We have been working on controlling emotions instead of allowing emotions to control you. And, while we still feel violated each time something is stolen from our home, it is a reminder, albeit a harsh one, that we can choose how much control we give to our emotions and emotional responses.

So I am angry, yes. I am violated and feel as such. I am struggling to work on a holiday weekend getting caught up on bookkeeping so I can properly pay my taxes...and yet reasonable responses are precisely what is called for. To respond irrationally does me no good and does not bring my scooter back to me. Similarly it does not serve my child well in relearning some poorly instilled behavioral responses to frustration and anger from an early age.

So we went for a quick hike to find beauty in this world...I believe for every act of ugly, we must intentionally create, meditate or focus on an act of beauty. Today we went to Tioga Falls for a brief hike and to play in the waterfall and resulting creek.

I am still without my Vespa scooter (nor the money to replace it), but I am a little less angry about it.

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