Thursday, April 26, 2018

What Brings You Joy

On occasion, I find it helpful to write down things, activities, etc. that bring me joy and happiness. I find it helpful to write them probably because I'm both visual and tactile, but then writing is also verbal/linguistic, believe it or not! (click here to read more about learning styles: Overview of Learning Styles.)

A few years ago,  my joy-list making was taken to a whole new level: I made a list of the things/activities/etc. in which I actually engaged

Finally, I compared the two lists.

Sure, there were some overlaps but not nearly as many as I thought. More often than I'd prefer to admit, I find the two lists are out of alignment: What I DO/ENGAGE in doesn't align with that which brings me joy and happiness. Sometimes (translation: ALL THE TIME) I struggle to balance life...single dad, entrepreneur, fledgling writer, son, uncle, community member,'s hard to balance and juggle all the balls AND still take time for those activities I truly enjoy. 

I don't have a solution and I don't have judgement. Just a simple exercise to give some insight, if you're honest with yourself. This activity will be in my upcoming book of journal prompts with a few more details added. In full disclosure: I am considering launching a campaign through the online service "Buy Me a Coffee" to secure the funding for self-publishing. Exclusive content (journal prompts) will be available ahead of publication. But for now, I am just testing the waters. Writing brings me joy, so I am trying to get back to doing it more regularly and that's my main focus at this moment. 

Make a List of the Things/Activities/Etc. that bring you joy:

Make a List of the Things/Activities/Etc. in which you regularly engage: 

Compare the two lists and observe: 
  • Are there similarities? 
  • Differences? 
  • Overlaps? 
  • Gaps? 
What prevents the two lists from being identical? 

Are there things you would like to adjust? 

What is your next step to adjust and align the two lists if you desire? 

Image result for joyWhat are obstacles to adjusting/aligning the two lists? 

What are supports that will help adjust/align the two lists? 

That's all for today, I hope you find some time for joy and happiness over the next 24 hours! 


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