Monday, December 31, 2012

My '12 Insights

  • Be a little kinder than necessary
  • It is more difficult for me to receive than it is to give, yet equally important
  • Allow myself to fully experience every single emotion that comes up
  • No, I have not moved beyond, above, over, around or past...I've simply moved forward
  • My career isn't what drives me, it's my passion that is in the driver's seat and sometimes I break the speed limit and run a red light now and then
  • Drugs and their ill-effects are awful, addictions ruin lives and not just those of the addicts
  • A plan is nice, it is also nice to be able to go with the flow
  • A new phrase that got me through many stressful moments: this is about you and your journey, not me and mine
  • I will always be a crazy dreamer, and no, I'm not the only one
  • I didn't know what I was capable of until I faced something I didn't think I was capable of 
  • People really do feel, see, hear, experience the dead; spirits exist in my daily reality
  • I am worth it

I only gave myself 12 minutes to reflect back on 2012 and pull out the 12 insights I've gained this past year. The above is what came to me, unedited. I may go back later and expand on some, or I may leave them alone. What have you learned from 2012?

Monday, December 10, 2012

Now I know

Today's thoughts have come up in past posts: One More Minute.

Last time I focused on being able to do anything for one more minute as a means of self-motivation to the next mile marker.

Today I tried that trick on myself and I thought about my grandma.

More than that, I thought what would one more minute be like with her? And then with my dad.

Just one more minute. Seems odd, when running at a 7:30 minute mile, it seems one minute lasts an eternity. We struggle just to get through a minute sometimes. But I wonder... Would it be enough time to squeeze in all the love? Wash clean the bad feelings? Express all that needed and wanted to be expressed?

Why do I think that one minute would be enough when 68 and 52 years respectively weren't.

Because now I know. Now I know death is real. Now I know that it is an ending, but not the finite ending. Now I know that a minute of love is much more important than a nano-second of ill-will, hard feelings and resentment. Now I know.

If I could have just one more minute, I'd make it count. I don't know how, but I sure would try. Because now I know...or at least that's my 26.2 cents worth...if you had just one more minute, what would you do? And what's preventing you ?

Monday, December 3, 2012

Old Friend, We Meet Again

I am learning more and more each week how out of it I was this year. People are telling me things, events, speeches, classes, etc, that I was involved in, gave, delivered, taught and I'm clueless. This was hammered home today by the level of difficulty in running the short 3.3 miles around Iroquois Park. Not too long ago, I was running from my house to Iroquois Park (1.6 miles) then around the park at least 2-3 times (7+ miles at minimum) and back home (another 1.6 miles). Today, I *drove* to the park and still barely made it around the 3.2 mile base. And I stopped to take a walking break.


This sucks. 

What the heck happend!? 

I stopped putting in the work. Plain and simple. I rested on my laurels. Literally. And today, I expected to be able to conquer the park in the same 24-27 minutes I did last year. 30 minutes later I realized it was preposterous for me to expect that. And so it is. I've lost contact with the park. With my muscles. With my lung. With my future. With my past. With my life. With my motivation. With the insides of my thighs (did they burn like that last time I started running!?). With my head (pounding). With myself. 

As I was rounding the final hill I realized this is much like my life. I lived in Florida for 8 years. During those 8 years, I gradually lost contact with my Louisville people and connected with an equally fabulous group of Florida people. They became my support network. My Family. My confidants. My influence. My life. And now.... I haven't put in the work. It is preposterous to think that I'll maintain the same level of relationship with my Florida friends if I don't work for it. My friend S and I have played phone tag since my birthday (a month now) and finally connected briefly yesterday. It was good to catch up. But it was like running through the park--a little different. Familiar. Comfortable. Comforting. Welcomed. But different. 

I miss my Florida people and I've not found that same connection here in Louisville just yet. But it took me about four years in Florida-I'm entering my 3rd here. It's odd. Being on familiar turf, but knowing few and connecting with even fewer. It will take time, but I will be back. And so will my friend-network. 

Come to think of it, it's just like my running journey. It has had its ups and downs. The more effort I put forth, the more I yield. The more I give the more I receive. For one who is both an introvert and a non-runner the following is true of making friends and of running: it's not easy and staying on the couch is a much more alluring alternative but where does that get me? 

So there you have it...awkwardly trudging forward, trying to find my place in the running and friendship world. I'll get to the finish line one of these days, for now, in the words of Vivian (a presenter I had the opportunity to recently see), "a DLF > DNF > DNS" or "a dead last finish is greater than a did not finish , which is better than a did not show." At least that's my and Vivian's 26.2 friendcents worth...