wow. It has been four long years since I last posted.
And yet, in the grand scheme of things four years seems so short.
In that time span a few things have changed. Of these two are most notable:
I have adopted my son.
I have undergone a mid-life career and life transformation.
A few other things to note:
I can barely pound the pavement for a 5k, a marathon is currently out of the question.
I am running an ultra marathon like I've never run before: Single parenthood!
My weight has skyrocketed, and along with it my blood pressure.
Meditation is my daily savior.
I still love bacon (see above note about weight and blood pressure).
Sourdough baking and soap making have become therapeutic passions of mine.
In general, I see life differently. I look in the mirror and see a different person. I listen to (or read) my words, and I hear a different person. I look around my house, and I see a different home. Ahh, the journey of evolution is strong in Louisville on my little street. Speaking of which, I bought a house.
Journey. Evolution. Strength. Revelation.
One word for each year. Seems par for the course as I seek to simplify what was once a complicated life. Now, I just enjoy an evening at home, watching a stupid movie with my son. I find pleasure in mixing oils, lye and water to make soap. There is beauty in the simple pleasures in life. I have learned that some of my running was not towards a healthy life, rather it was from an unhealthy one. And sometimes that unhealthy influence was myself. But from it, I can no longer run. I must run towards it, into it, because I am it. I do not wish to emerge NOT being me; I wish to emerge being the best me possible.
I don't know what brought me back to this blog after a four-year hiatus. Maybe I have a story to tell. Maybe you have a story I need to hear. Probably both. Maybe I have an egocentric need to document the next phase of my life because it'll be revolutionary! Or mundane. Either are ok, really. But my plans for the future of this blog include to chronicle my journey to lower my blood pressure, conquering the demons of my past, present and facing the ones in my future head on, and continuing to be the best father I can possibly be to my son as he emerges into a young man. Maybe you'll join me, maybe you won't. Maybe we'll endeavor on this journey together, maybe we won't. But the journeys will go on, with or without us. That's life.
Stay tuned. More to come.
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