Those of you who have followed my blog for awhile know I believe in self-care. I also believe self -care comes in many forms. Some people find it in meditation while others enjoy yoga, some love to go for a run and others like to veg out to their favorite show on tv.
The last few weeks have been difficult for America. Regardless where you stand on geo-political issues, it's been a rough bit of time for us, hasn't it? So I implore you, for the sake of our country's future and (more importantly) your own health PLEASE engage in some form(s) of self-care soon. Below are a few ideas to get you started, please feel free to add your own as a comment.
- Take time for just your, to be alone and decompress/process
- Visit with an old friend or family member that makes you laugh
- Enjoy that big ol slice of chocolate cake
- Fix a delicious fruit smoothie and enjoy it leisurely
- Spend some time in meditation
- Go for a jog, run, or walk
- Play on a playground, swinging and laughing like a child
- Color, craft, or other form of creation
- Take a hot bath
- Sleep in 15 minutes longer than usual
- Unplug from social media
- Look in the mirror and tell yourself you're worth it
For me, I always turn to Mother Nature when I need some self care. Tomorrow we will be taking a short hike. Being in Nature always grounds me. Enjoy your moment(s) of self-care and please know you are worthy and deserving of living a happy, healthy, and whole life.
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