(all measurements are in the "ish" category)
1/3ish Cup of Sourdough Starter (fresh or discard)
2-4 T olive oil (depending on hydration of starter)
1 C AP Flour
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
Herbs and spices of your choice (I love Penzey's Frozen Pizza Topping, it's a salt-free blend)
I omit salt, but most recipes call for it. I try to control my blood pressure by diet, exercise and lifestyle so I generally leave salt out of everything.

I love a strong flavor and let mine proof overnight. Usually crackers can be proofed in a couple hours. I find the flavor is more intense and complex.
Roll it flat. You can either bake it uncut and break pieces off as you desire (a great way to have dinner bread) or you can cut into squares for regular looking crackers. Often I like to cut mine in long strips and place in a pint jar on the dinner table for a lil fancy-factor. We're real simple around here.
That's it. Bon apetit! Oh, I also bake half at a time and keep the dough in the fridge for up to 3 more days. The fridge stops the fermentation so you should be good without the overpowering flavor. Just let come to room temp for 15 minutes before rolling out.
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