Sunday, July 15, 2018

Increase Joy, Decrease Stress

As I approach 40, with a recent diagnosis of hypertension, I am trying to learn to slow down, stop, enjoy, relax. I've always been fairly good at self care, but I've never been good at slowing down. I always tried to run faster, further, stronger; I bet I missed so much beautiful scenery during those countless hundreds of miles of practice runs.

My doctor and I have developed a holistic plan to address my blood pressure and it seems to be working. My BP is lower (granted with help from a medicine, too) and I am working to decrease sources of stress while increasing sources of joy in my life.

We haven't had a good 'ol Sunday Family Dinner in a long time. That always brings me joy. I love preparing meals. The smell of it cooking in the oven, grill, smoker or stove. The joy of plating, then sitting down to enjoy and have conversation over a meal to be enjoyed, not merely consumed is something I try to incorporate regularly. But I've been working a lot. And I've been stressed by work a lot. And I've gotten away from big healthy meals favoring quick, healthy-ish meals instead. Today, that changes. I'm returning to Sunday Family Dinner and you might receive an invitation.

I am also trying to incorporate things I've always wanted to do but put off for this or that reason. I'll be having a privacy fence installed this month (I hope). I have been doing a small amount of landscaping to increase the flowers in my yard, which bring my joy to see bloom. And I am launching a podcast that I've had in mind for six years--since I began my journey as a Licensed Massage Therapist.

And I hope, in doing so, maybe someone else will be inspired to pursue joy and eliminate stress. I'd love to hear back from you on how you're increasing joy and decreasing stress. Please consider leaving a comment below to help inspire me, and maybe even others.

The two pictures I am including in this post are serving as reminders to me to stop, slow down, enjoy.

Have a great, stress free, joyful day!

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