A trick I learned when I was first getting in the habit of running was to prepare the night before.
When I was a more avid and long-distance runner, I'd lay my running shorts, shirt, socks, shoes, glide, powerade energy shots, and water all out on the chair beside the bed. Then all I had to do was wake up, eat a banana and peanut butter on toast, a cup of black coffee, use restroom, brush teeth and go!
Now I am more of a recreational runner just trying to maintain health and only log 3-5 miles per run. So today, I SLEEP in my running gear which is just athletic/basketball shorts and a t-shirt. I have my socks and shoes ready by the door. I skip the coffee in favor of water now (age, I guess), but brush my teeth, take dog out, use restroom myself, then begin pounding the pavement.
This removes many of the excuses I used to give myself and also created time to do laundry if I discovered I had no socks clean.
Whatever your goal is, whatever new habituated way of living you are bringing into your life plan for it. Anticipate your excuses (you already know them anyway, chances are you have already used them) and come up with a plan to thwart them. Your chances of success will be much higher when you plan ahead.
Then celebrate! But that's a quick tip for another day. Today, it's just to plan. So what is your plan for success today?

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