This morning my run sucked.
It was slow, hot, and rainy.
I didn't go as far as I wanted and, well, it just sucked.
BUT I did it. I set my alarm for 625 (so I could hit snooze one time), woke up, brushed my teeth (I cannot run w/out brushing my teeth!), put socks and shoes on, took the dog out, got the coffee started so it'd be ready upon my return and then...finally, 20 minutes later, I hit play on pandora and begin on my run tracker and off I went.
It sucked from the first step to the last.
But I did it.
And now, as I am sipping my coffee, both animals snoozing on the couch and the child in his bed, my thoughts are going to the rain the washed over me. First it was a nice gentle sprinkle. Just enough to be refreshing but not enough to be miserable. Then, just over half a mile from home, the sky opened up. At first I was like, "YES!" it felt so good, that cold rain on my hot skin. But then my shirt got heavy. And my shorts got soaked, followed by my underwear. I was drenched from head to toe. I kept going (I mean, what else could I do, call an Uber?). But now that I am home, I am wondering if the rain was my motivation to be washed anew. To let the "dirt" of my life wash away and go back to its original source. To tend to the beautiful seeds planted deep in me, allowing them the moisture to germinate, take root, and blossom.
Oftentimes I find motivation in the actual run itself; a sense of pride that I did it. Today, I find motivation in the Universe sending me a message to wash, cleanse, bathe, let go, feel renewed. There are a few things I've been harboring and I am going to take some steps to try to wash them away. You know that theme...decrease stress, increase joy.
Today, my Monday Motivation is found in the misery of the rain pelting my body. What about you?
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