Sunday, July 29, 2018

you deserve to live

Today is my dad's birthday. Except he's not here to celebrate it. And I'm not here to mourn it, either. I'm here to celebrate life. He would have been 59 today, but he only made it to 53. Some people have said he was taken too soon, too young. But who are we to say? When our time is up our time is up. Do we have any control over that (yes and no, I can see both sides of this coin based on life choices). 

I do not believe we have a lot of say in how many days are in our life, but we do have ultimate say over how much life is in our days. Just because you woke up and went through another 24 hours doesn't mean you're living. Just because you are breathing and have a pulse doesn't mean you're alive. It just means you have survived more days, but maybe not truly lived. 

So my invitation to you, as I celebrate and honor my dad's life, is to get out and live today. Do something that gives you LIFE and makes you feel alive. 

On my death bed I want to be able to look back and say, "damn! I packed a lot of life in those years, didn't I?!" I hope you do too. You deserve to live! 

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