Ok, so I am embarking on a list of 40's for the entire year as I turn 40. This month, I thought my list would focus on 40 "wellness tips" that are more holistic than medically oriented.
These are things I try to do in order to achieve a balanced, whole, and well life. What do you do?
1. Get outside sometimes, Stay inside other times: the key here is balance. I am always recharged when I spend time outdoors, and I am also often in need of retreating to the safety of my home.
2. Pet an animal (We love going to the local Humane Society to
bring them treats and pet them). We go to the local pet store, load up on inexpensive treats and have a field day spoiling the dogs, puppies, cats and kittens at the Kentucky Humane Society. Check your local animal shelter for rules.
3. Hug those you love (with their permission). Can we ever get enough safe hugs?
4. Re-read your favorite book: Books that inspire and books that give you a mental break. Some of my favorites are The Five People You Meet in Heaven, A Painted House, Ultra Marathon Man.
5. Go for a run, a hike, a walk or just sit on a bench
6. Curl up under thick, warm, quilts on a cold night: The weight of all those blankets just calms me. The memories of the quilts comfort me. Ahhh, I can feel myself relaxing now.
7. Walk in the grass barefoot: So refreshing! Try it
8. Veg out in front of your favorite tv show: I'll confess, I have seen Golden Girls at least four times. Not all in one sitting but...close.
9. Drink more water than you think you need: We all need water and few of us get enough. I notice my hair, skin and the bags under my eyes all improve when I am properly hydrated. It's also cheaper than coffee!
10. Shop the outer circle of the grocery store (think about it): FRESH FRUIT and VEGGIES, y'all! This is the real food section. About 75% of my grocery shopping comes from the outer section. This is real food that spoils, so I often have to make a mid-week stock up on fresh bananas, blueberries and bell peppers.
11. Eat more fruits n veggies: see above.
12. Get a massage (or 10): Ok, maybe shameless plug but seriously, I got regular massage before becoming an LMT.
13. Laugh so much you want to cry, Cry so much you shake
14. Feel every emotion that comes up in your body: Truly feel it. And sometimes, dismiss it. If it isn't serving you long term, acknowledge it and invite it to leave you the hell alone!
15. Experience every experience: The best advice I got when I went to Thailand was to stop in the street, close my eyes and take in the experience. I have used this strategy many times and it has never failed me.
16. Breathe: Long, slow, deep, full breaths.
17. Meditate: Imma be honest, meditation has probably kept me out of jail more times than I can count! Some great apps, I'll link later.
18. Eat chocolate, dark preferably: Like this needs an explanation?
19. Use reliable sources (like pubmed and google scholar) to
research any pathologies you have and treatment regimens the doctor recommend (Avoid
20. Try new experiences: this grows your brain. I posted about that previously (I'll link it eventually).
21. Eat new foods: why not?
22. Meet new people
Broaden your horizons, have new influences, embrace new ways of life.
23. Stick with your true friends
And to contradict #22...remember those who've been with you through it all.
24. Realize you need only a handful of true friends
25. Commit yourself to a debt repayment plan
26. Once debt free, stay there
It took me almost a decade to pay all my debt off. And I've not looked back since! I started small and with attainable goals. The stress and anxiety over debt was consuming me and I didn't even realize it!
27. Less stuff, more experiences; Less stress, more joy
28. Learn to cook at least one breakfast, lunch and dinner
meal from scratch
Once you master cooking a few meals from scratch, you'll wonder why it took you so long. I also find that I still really enjoy eating out, and I actually enjoy it more, not because of the food, rather because it's an experience I don't frequently indulge in.
29. Bake bread and enjoy the scent
I love my sourdough, but you can bake any kind of bread. It is such a cozy smell.
30. Go to a Renaissance Faire
Seriously. You won't regret it. Spend the day. Meander. Wander. Bring money. Enjoy.
31. Ride a Ferris Wheel in silence
32. Ride a Ferris Wheel with those you love
33. Learn to play card games
I took my little cousins camping with my son and me once. When we were heading back I asked what their highlight was, they said playing Old Maid. Mind you we actually have a camper and television when we go camping. And still, cards was there favorite memory.
34. Host pot luck dinners with old and new friends
YES! Enjoy the smells, dishes, friendship, laughter. I will be honest, I use disposable dishes and such and I find it more enjoyable. I probably should work on that.
35. Have a gratitude wall/board
I have a poster board on which I place post it notes of random things for which I am grateful. Sometimes it's big and sometimes it's just the socks on my feet.
36. Live a life of gratitude
37. Say thank you more
There are a multitude of people you can thank in your daily life; do it.
38. Tip as generously as you are able
Don't be stingy. Not only do folks who work for tips work really hard, it'll also brighten their day if they receive an unexpectedly large tip. I love to tip and leave before they see it...the tip is my way of sharing gratitude and abundance, I don't need them to come back and say thank you. (see above for contradiction.)
39. Linger longer than you might be inclined to
40. Drive 5 mph slower
On the road and in your life. Slow it down.